
Sunday 15 December 2013

love the skin your in

we all have thing's that we dislike about our selves.... but what we don't take in to consideration is that the things we don't like, other people love and tell us to love it too!

we are never going to be happy with every single part of our body... but we can change most of those things, if we really want to... and you should only do it for you , no one else...

There is always going to be things we don't like about us... an some of them we can't change, so we have to learn how to love them...

The biggest problem we all have is the size of our clothes... we are not happy being the size we are... but think about it would you be happy being a size zero?... 'your the beautiful one, society is the ugly one'

' stop hating yourself for everything you aren't, start loving yourself for everything that you are'... love the skin your in.. you can change it when you want!....

love the skin your in !