
About Me

so people may think i am always confident in everything i do and everything i say ... but the truth is that i'm not i always put on a act...

I've tried being quiet but then i can't do it so i go back being the loud one in the class.... if you ever or have met me then you will know how much i don't like being the loud one...

I am a loving caring girl will always help my friends out and always be there for them.. no matter what.... never ever let your friends go always keep them close... 

but i need someone to keep me close and always be there for me no matter what... I love to write and read... i can speak about how i feel but i find it better to write down i feel or if something has happened that i can't explain i find it better to write it down....

i love it when people say that they like what i'm doing.. i have had some nice comments about my blog  and some of the posts.. from my teachers and my friends they love them... but they don't fully understand why i have started a blog...

i started a blog because when i was at slimming world one tuesday  i written something and showed it to my friend and she was really impressed and she owns a blog too as she's a photographer .. she said  i should start my own blog because i write beautifully .. i was really touched by that comment no one has ever said that to me before and knowing that someone really does read the things i write and actually likes and understands them ..... is just fab...

i really hope your liking my blog so far i love your comments keep commenting :)  i would love your feedback on how you think my posts are :) thank you 



  1. good as allways tia xx great blog xx

  2. Hey, I have been looking at your blog and it's really good! I understand what you mean, I think we're similar in certain ways because I love to read and find it much easier to write down my feelings. I also have a blog and I too find it amazing that people are reading what you write, there is no other feeling like it.

    1. I know its great meli i would love it if you could share my blog please?...
      just knowing people are reading what im writing makes me happy
