
Wednesday 10 April 2013

just a year ago you was stranger now your my best friend

how can you go from being a stranger to someone i love and care about..
well you have been there for me no matter what.. you've never judged me never told me i was something i'm not...

When i have needed someone to talk to you have been there i can tell you anything...
you are supporting me through a tough time and have supported me through some...

I ask why because i don't understand why you have been so kind and understanding with me..
most people will just say it's fine you okay.. but not you, you was just a stranger who didn't know anything about me, didn't know what i was like.. or how i felt..

but now just a year later you do, you know everything about me and know how i feel...
you believe me in even when i don't, you have made me realize that it's not about loosing weight every week it's about making better choices and living life..

you was just a stranger..
now you have done more then a best friend would of done..
I'm going to carry on making you proud of me..
I believe in myself more...

just a year ago you was a stranger now you my best friend.....


  1. ahhhh what a lovely post Tia ...I am always proud of you have come so far how could I not be x ...little inspiration you are x

    1. i don't know hahah sometimes i feel like i don't make you proud and glad you like it and n'aww i hope i am an inspiration to other girls like me and i hope i give them more confidence in them selfs :) xxx

  2. Maybe its because we get what we see!! Exactly whats on the packet type of thing - you are a genuine young lady who is shrinkin in size but whose heart is the biggest most loveliest heart anyone could ever wish to be a piece of - why you ask - the answer is simple - because YOU are YOU

  3. n'aww thank youuu so much xxxx
    you love to make my eyes water dont you aaha xxx
