
Wednesday 3 April 2013

just thinking about you makes me smile 
you have helped me through so much 
you have give me the confidence i lost 
you've never stopped believing in me you knew i could do it even when i said i couldn't
you kept telling me i have done amazing but i didn't believe you 
at first because it felt weird so i didn't want to believe it ..

your the one who has never judged me from day one 
you always praise me but i don't think i make you proud enough of me 
you say you are proud of me but i don't feel like i do so i just want you to know that i'm going to do what ever it takes to make you SOOO proud of me i will try my best in everything i do 
no matter how hard i may find it i will do 

i know i always say thank you but i do really mean it i just hope that you know i do 
i really want to make you proud of me
i always say i'm going to do it this week but never do and let you down 
so from now on i'm going to do what i say and mean and do it 
its been hard today but i've struggled through it.

i just hope that you know that i really do want to make you proud 
your the most amazing person i have ever met and one out of three people that has never judged me on who i am or how i act and how bubbly and loud i am i know that its good 
to be loud and bubbly i don't want to change that .
because that is who i am.

you are gorgeous, funny, cute and you have a great personality you show it all the time and you don't care what people think of you.. 
i would love  to spend the day with you and learn about photography and how you edit them soo perfectly. 
you have the best job ever.!!

so id just like to say a huge huge thank you to you and don't change for anyone you are perfect the way you are I LOVE YOU the absolute world !!!

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