
Wednesday 17 April 2013

last night

last night at slimming world... was well very different, i was very tired, upset and was just really weepy...

You was there for me when i needed someone to tell, you was a real friend... I'm sorry i wasn't my self..
i have it when i'm not being me, i always look forward to coming, and i still am...

All you people make me feel like i can tell you anything, 
yous are just fab, last night wasn't the best night for me.. i was really m self... you noticed and stood by me and tried to help me thank you...

Last night... 
well i can honestly say that when ever i'm upset like that again  i can always count on yous to make me smile...
but last night i didn't expect for you to notice i was weepy and tired and upset...

But you did and you tried and helped me thank you... you told me things that has made my week now...
thank you.. you never fall to make me happy again <3

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