
Sunday 27 October 2013

My sexuality does not change me

My sexuality does not change who i am, 
I'm still me i don't change just because my sexuality does,
I'm not going to act any different...

Tic toc it's only in a matter of time that you'll question yourself who, what, when, were, how... 
who am i? why am i ?

I'm not going to act any different, 
just because i'm gay,
I will still act the same way....

The only thing that has changed is my feelings,
i know that people won't like it 
 but it doesn't matter who you are ! 

My sexuality does not and will not change me,
now you know you may think i'm acting different but
i'm not...

I cant change even if i tried,
even if i wanted to,
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love
My love
My love

she keeps me warm,
she keeps me warm, 
she keeps me warmm...

My sexuality does not change me !.......

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