
Saturday 26 October 2013


you claim i'm your friend and that you are always there for me, well what about when you go off and ignore me?!...what about then?

you know what i'm going through and you understand that, but what you don't understand is that you are hurting me too...
i can't tell you because i don't want to upset you....

i wish that i could change the way i am and not to be so mean to you at times but i can't help it, you upset me that much
i don't know how to treat you...

sometimes its like i'm not even your friend when you are with them, ha some friend you are at times! but saying how i really feel to you is hard! 

knowing you know whats wrong with me makes it harder for me not to  be friends with you, you are giving me the perfect advise and great complements but you are not proving that you really 
are my friend...

things seem to be going totally the wrong way and you go make everything ten times harder for me, well i'm not going to be the person that everyone just walks all over any more, i'm going to say exactly how i really feel and who i am from now on and i don't want anything to do with you !