
Monday 22 April 2013

This is who i was and who i am


This picture is who i was and who i am today...
I have come so far and i'm not ashamed to show who i was before because that was the old me... 

People may think why has she put a picture of her self on here.. well i have put it up because i'm not afraid to show people who i was before and you shouldn't be either...

I am really proud of my self because i have come so far and i have gained loads more confidence and i am just happier and a better person then i was before...

This is me and who i was and who i am today..
people may hate me for who i am today but i'm not bothered because  me and my friends like me for who i am not who i was ...

I was bullied because i was fat, i cried all the time and let those nasty words you said get to me but now i know i am loosing weight and i have lost weight i don't need to listen to you and your nasty words, they are just words that will never ever hurt me.. sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me !!! 

 I am who i am today because i listened to all those words you said and they have made me a better person.. i am also who i am today because of four PERFECT ladies.. they are just perfect and have always been there for me and never judged me and have never said those nasty words that you said to me that hurt me...

This is me and if you don't like me then i don't want to know you  ... I know i am not perfect but i don't want to be perfect my friends accept me for who i am so you should as well and if you can't then carry on walking... 

This is who i was and who i am <3


  1. looking more and more beautiful every day x Paula x

  2. You were always lovely Tia from being a little girl, now you are growing into a lovely young woman, bullies are just hateful people that have nothing about them so have to hurt have done fantastic and keep up the good work for you....xx

  3. you are perfectly imperfect ....which makes you just perfect already chick x so proud of you
