
Wednesday 3 April 2013


music is my life it makes me happy 
when im upset ill listen to some music and it will make me happy again 
it makes me think of all the happy and good things in my life 
when i listen to music i feel free.

music to me is not just about listing to it is about feeling the emotion that the singer is trying to get across
i also like to sing and feel that emotion with them...
and think about the sad things in my life but
i know that they have happened because i'm obviously strong enough to deal with it.

you may think that this sounds weird but music is the perfect way of getting your feelings across 
music always makes me feel better 
people have told me i can sing but i don't really think i can but as long as people believe you that it doesn't matter as long as your getting your message or you emotion across......

i love it when i hear my friends sing because they are amazing singers 
they have the confidence i would love to have..
when i hear my mum sing i can't help but laugh she doesn't care that she can't sing which i find  great because if you cared that you couldn't do things then there would be no point in trying new things 
and keep practicing at things were not that good at...

music is wonderful thing it can mean everything to anyone 
people start to get in to music because of something that has happened in their life and they find that the best way to get their story across is by music so if you love music and enjoy it 
carry on with it.. 

if people don't like your music don't worrie about it because all that matters is that you 
like your music and you enjoy it don't let anyone stop you.

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