
Thursday 16 May 2013

Okay i'm going to be honest with you!

okay so I'm sick being the one with no friends in my lessons, I'm always the one trying and I don'y want to anymore...
I'm sick of trying with you all...

Why is it me who has no friends in their lessons... Oh i forget nothing goes right for me... I'm always the one who is crying and being upset because i have no one to talk to in my lessons...

It may be my fault that i have no one to speak to in my lessons because there is always those people that always annoy me and i know that it is stupid to be like i am but i don't care if you don't like me then that's fine because i'm not worrying about the people that don't like me... 

I'm worrying about the people that i thought was my friends... I don't really know who to turn to, i always give other people advise but never take my own...

I wish there was someone who i could talk to who would actually listen to me and care about what i say but i know that, that is never going to happen... people will always not care about what i say and what i will be feeling...

I will always help anyone if they need help... if you feel the same comment and i will help you the best i can.. i'll always be there for anyone 


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