
Wednesday 1 May 2013

today i feel

Today i feel like i could slap you in your face.. i'v done nothing wrong..we fell out, was the best think that ever happened to knowing i don't have to worrie about you...

But it is killing me not having to... I'm soo glad i have all the friends i need... to help me get through life and that are always going to be there for me no matter what...

I feel like i have to care what other people think of me but i don't i am who i am and if you or anyone else doesn't like it then they don't have to be my friend...

I know i can be difficult and be Steuben but when it comes down to telling my friends how i feel... well i know who i can and can't tell... 

I will always care about what people think of me but that is only because i feel like i need to care...if i am going to make it through life i need to change the way i see people...

I may act all i don't care but i do.. i;m just afraid to show it...because you all may think i am being silly...
i will always be here for friends when ever they need me..

I will never ever judge my friends because they have never judged me... i am who i am and the sooner people realize that the better.. why is it that every time i try to be who i am not it doesn't work out...

Well may be it's a sign that i should always be who i am and not who i'm not...
never judge a book by its cover.... always be who you are not someone your not...


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