
Monday 29 April 2013

It's hard i'm finding it hard

I'm not for a minute saying i'm giving up,
but i am saying i'm finding it hard right now.. no one understands how hard it actually is...

You all may think it's easy and you may all think it happen's over night but it doesn't it takes time and effort..
you have to be prepared to do the work if you want this..
You will go through hard times.. you will push through them..

I've been in this position many of times and i have pulled through it.. it's not about losing weight every week its just about moving it forward when you can..

I'm not giving up i'm just struggling at the minute..
i just need someone to talk to and someone to help me..
but i think if i talk to someone i will get on their nerves.. 

someone please helpp!! thank you xxx


  1. Aww hun you CAN you have shown that. But ye sometimes hard. Here for you x x Paula x

  2. You are not the only one who is struggling, most of us have wobbly weeks and weeks were we dont care and go back to how we were when we were so unhappy, but with the support of our friends we get back on track and restart our journey to our goal, together we can take the scenic route and enjoy the view on the way!! Dont give up, look how far you have come, plan your days it makes it easier xx

    1. i am back on track now hehehe thank youuu xxx
