
Sunday 14 April 2013

I'm glad your gone!

I'm glad you gone...
You made me feel like i couldn't tell you how i felt,
because i thought you would get angry...

You had a go at me over something so stupid, I had to watch what i said to you... and how i acted, but i did that because you was my best friend.. i did that because i cared...

You said i never did anything for you...
When i did you but you just never liked to take, you made out like i was never there for you, i was always there for you...

We planed our future, But i guess we wasn't as strong or as close we thought we was.. I'm glad your gone, now your gone i don't have to watch what i say, or how i act around you...

You can say anything you want about me, I don't really care, if people are my friend they wont listen to you, and think you are just a silly little girl...

I'm glad your gone now my life is soo much better without you and i now know who are my true real friends are, who are always going to be there for me no matter what!.. unlike fake friends who just say they are but never are!.. 

My life has become so much easier without you in it, people told me what you was like i didn't believe them, i guess i should of, they gave me advice i didn't take it, i wish i did...

I'm glad your gone! ....


  1. awww bless only true friends matter lovely xxx

  2. i know that now thank you (who ever it is) haha xxx

  3. Thinking of you x Paula xxx
