
Friday 5 April 2013

I actually know i am beautiful now and stay strong!

it's mad to think that i am who i am today...
just a year go i was always upset, tears always steaming down my face... because of all those nasty words you said

you made me feel like i was just a nobody that no one wanted to know,

That i wasn't beautiful or worth it, 
i believed you .. i listened to all those nasty things you said...

I really thought that i wasn't good enough  for anyone, and that no one wanted to be my friend...
I went home crying every night, i hid all those tears away from you, but i couldn't hold in how i felt any longer...

It was killing me knowing that you thought i didn't care what you thought of me.. when really i did, that was all i could think about and that is all i thought about day and night...

I wish i didn't listen to you , you was totally wrong,

people did want to know me, wanted to be my friend..
I am worth it and beautiful and i don't have to hide how i feel about anything no more, i also know that i don't have to care about what you and others think about me..

I only have to care what my friends think of me.. not what you or anyone else thinks,
i know i was stupid to believe what you said to me...
but i had no confidence, i thought that all those things you said was true...

Now i have confidence in myself and i can say i do look beautiful when i look in the mirror...

now all i want you to do is believe in me and take back all those things you said .....


  1. You have come so far x x

  2. Replies
    1. n'aww and that's just made me cry (that comment ) and really xxxxx

  3. You will all be be beautiful to me no matter what anyone says to u ur my little chick xxxx

  4. Replies
    1. That made me cry what u wrote xx

  5. Hold your head high Beautiful and believe in yourself xx

  6. n'aww thank you christine i will thank you xxx
