
Monday 8 April 2013


I love Tuesdays..
Tuesday's i get to see all my lovely slimming world friend's..
They have all been amazing...

Tuesdays are funny, amazing and just the perfect day for me and the best day in my week...
I would not change Tuesdays for anything in the world..

Tuesday's are where i have the best laugh ever! 
My slimming world friend's mean absolutely everything to me...
They are always there for me no matter what, always listen to me when i'm upset about something...

I really look forward to them because they are full of fun!
No one could change the way i feel about them
I also look forward to seeing the best three people there at slimming world...

Tuesdays are when i can relax and have nice chats and if i've had a wobbly week i can speak about it so i can get help...
Tuesdays are where my REAL friends are ..

I love Tuesdays and wouldn't change them for the world<3