
Saturday 20 April 2013

we all say and wish

we all wish that we was different...
we always say that we will change the thing we hate about our self's...

But why should we change the thing's that make us, who we are...
I've wished for a long time that i wasn't a loud bubbly girl who laughs at everything...

Then i think about it...
then i cry about it because i really want to change those thing's and realize i can't...
My friends tell me they love me being the loud bubbly girl who laughs at everything and they wouldn't change that about me, because they love me for who i am...

I've changed how big i am and i am still in the process for that... but i can't change my personality, i really wish i could but i can't...

We all wish we as someone different or we looked different..
we say we will change but we never do...
i just really want people to accept people for who they are even if they are big, small, tall, loud ,quiet... even of they are just being them i wish people wouldn't judge people for who they are...

People are different to you.. we all can't be the same if we was the world would be very boring...
people should accept people for who they are no matter what!!!!


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