
Sunday 28 April 2013

at the minute

My life at the minute is well confusing..
i will have ups and downs..
i would love more ups but life doesn't always turn out the way we want it to..

But at the minute i wouldn't change anything in my life right know, i have had the best work experience and i wish i didn't have to leave..
i loved it there and it was just amazing i could stay there for ever!!!...

School life is well going to be okay as long as i put the work in and i ignore silly people..
i want to make something of my life, i want to be the person to have the last laugh..

I will get there, i just want to say that my life couldn't get better..
I've had many downs but that's not that matters what matters is that you have people to help you through them.. and you have many more ups...

I wish i had another 2 weeks of work experience.. these past 2 weeks have just gone to fast :( please take me back <3  


  1. Awww you had a lovely time you remember always x Paula x
