
Thursday 4 April 2013

why did i fall for your lies!

why did i fall for you lies again...
you say i'm your best friend,
i don't think i really am...
am i ?

you said we need more memories...
i've tried you won't take
i can't do any more then i am doing

i believed you when you said you where going to 
be there when i need you...
but you wasn't!...

your lies are becoming to much for me 
if you don't want to hang out 
then why are you saying all those things 

have i done something to upset you?...
do i get on your nerves?...
have i said something?...

why did i fall for your lies!
your lies are tearing me apart...
your lying to my face
how can you do that?

i called you my best friend...
i guess i was wrong...
why did i fall for your lies?

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