
Thursday 4 April 2013

my dreams to slim small

i have dreams to be slim small...
these dreams will come true 
you've got to believe they will and maybe they will come true...

you've got to but the work it...
my dreams to be slim are always going to be with me,
the only person who can make this happen is me...

my dreams to slim are all about being more happy and more confident in how i look..
not about what other people think about me all that matters 
is that i'm happy with the way i look...

dear me,
you need to push your self to your limit even if its hard you can  push through it you've done it before you can do it again...
just believe in yourself i believe in you and so do you,

slimming small isn't about going on a diet its just about eating healthier and choosing better options and going for the 
more healthier options...

people always think about slimming as going on a diets its not about that i've learnt that it's just about 
eating healthier...
you can still have your treats but just less of them!! ...

if it swims it slims...

my dreams to slim...

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