
Thursday 30 May 2013

How i feel right now !

I know what you are all thinking...
I know that this may sound silly but to me its my everything...
I'm not good at anything else apart from writing..

My life is just strange and its full of different emotions i can be happy on minute and then i am sad for the rest of the day...
I feel like i have no one to talk to about how i feel because they may find it silly...

 I know i can be happy and be the person i want to be but right know it doesn't...
I've dreamed of being a skinny quiet girl for so long and i have finally realized that it's never going to happen if i am feeling like this...

Dreams can come true but will mine? will they ever come true? could they come true?....
The answer is maybe, my dreams may be able to come true if i work hard enough...

I have a very supportive family and friends but i don't really like talking to my family i don't know why but...
The only people i feel like i can talk to about anything is my friends and teachers at school....

I don't know how to stop me feeling this about everything but i really do feel like i am all alone and no one to talk to about it.. when i do talk to someone i don't think they listen to me and understand how i actually feel and what i am telling them...

i wish people would listen to me for once and care about how i felt and understood why  but i guess that is another one of my dreams that may never happen...

Don't hold in how you feel it will only make things worse.. 

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