
Wednesday 5 June 2013

why don't people understand how i feel?

why don't people understand how i feel?...
I know it may be stupid how i feel sometimes but it's how i feel... But no one get's me, they just think it is stupid...

Why can't people just for once understand how i feel?,
I just want one person to say that "i understand how you feel or i know how you feel" it would mean loads to me knowing that someone does understand and won't judge me just because i feel the way i do...

i know i ain't the best person the get along with because i am always up and down, life wouldn't be life if you didn't have ups and downs but i wish i had more ups then downs...

No one understands how i feel because every-time someone asked me if i am ok i will say yes but they know that something is up, i only don't tell them because i feel like they won't understand and will think it is silly and stupid the way i feel...

if only there was someone i could speak to about how i really feel, someone who will listen to me and try and help me the best i can... I know that i am difficult to understand and get.. i do   know that but there are many other people like me that are hard to get and understand and you have to try to get us and not just say you will be ok...

I told you how i felt because i need someone to talk to and someone to listen to how i feel about things... 
why don't people understand how i feel?....

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