
Sunday 12 May 2013

I never believed in myself... do you?

Before i started slimming world, i never believed in my self... i thought that i wasn't good at anything and that i was always going to be fat and stupid....

But that wasn't the case... the first day i stepped in slimming world i was really nervous and scared because i didn't know any one there... i have never been to anything like it!, when our consultant first spoke to us i thought she is really nice.... i couldn't of been more right she was and is amazing she always listened to me when i needed someone to talk to...

The first week on a diet was amazing i felt really good... then before i knew it it was tuesday again and it was time to get weighted... i was really nervous when i stepped on the scales... i looked down and i seen that i lost 7lbs!!! in my first week half a stone in my first week i was made up....

When my consultant got to my name on her little monitor i put my head down never spoke and went bright red... i didn't know how anyone was going to react but they we all soo lovely and kind .... 

The hole point of my story is that you should always believe in your self no matte what you do... other people will always believe in you so you should too!!... i know it's hard to do then it is for me to say but when you don't believe in yourself, you don't believe in anything that you do and it probably  won't be as good as you can make it... you believe in yourself and the things you do will be even better...

I've learnt that when i started to believe in my self my work started to become better and i was getting higher marks and i still am i've gone from E's and U's to C's and D's in the space of year thanks to people believing in me and telling me they do  and believing in myself.... always believe in yourself and the things that you do!!! 


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