
Thursday 7 November 2013

how i feel today?

Today... i feel like i've let you down..
You mean everything to me, but you don't know.. i wish you did...
All i want to do is curl up in a ball and cry !...

You make me so happy an make me smile, even when you ain't trying, when you do i fell like you actually want to make me happy...

Today... i wish i could turn back time, so i can do things different... but i can't, 
I do want to make you proud of me, i try all the time, your all i think about...

I didn't think that i could feel like this so quickly... everything was going great, i felt great and then it all changed in a blink of an eye...

Today... i set out to make you proud.. but failed  you told me to have a good day, i promised i would.. but blew it!...

I feel like i've messed everything up once again, why can't i ever just be the person i want to, an not the person i use to be... sick of always being the girl that cries all the time...

Today's been a bad day!

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