
Monday 29 June 2015

that girl you see

That girl you see full of smiles and laughs
you think she's confident and loud,
you believe her when she says she's okay.

what would you say if I told you it was all fake and just an act. that smile you see everyday she paints on to see yours shine. what if I told you, she believes there's no hope for her, she hasn't got any self confidence or self esteem, she hates every single thing about herself, she feels alone, unwanted, scared, she believes she's not good enough and that her best will never be good enough, she hates looking in the mirror because her reflection makes her feel sick, her head controls everything she does, she has no say in what happens. she hides her cries, cuts, scars and herself behind a door she kept locked but it doesn't block out the angry voices in her head.

That girl you see smiling and laughing in class and in the hall ways,
you believe that's real right?
you think she is happy and her life is good.

wrong again. every night behind that door she thinks about giving up. every night she tells her self, she serves no purpose, no one cares, she's better of dead, she's worthless, stupid, ugly, fat, disappointment, disgusting, no body loves you, you need to stop eating, you need to be quiet. she doesn't want to be here anymore she thinks its the only way out. she's thinking why is no body saving her from this monster and self destruction, but then she realised that she's all alone and no body cares enough to save her from this self hate.

what you didn't know is that today she was going to end it all, all the pain and hurt days before her 17th birthday. she knew she couldn't carry on being the girl everyone knew and  disliked. she's tried for so long to fit in but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried. her new plan is to sit there quietly until she is ready to leave. that jacket she always seems to wear have you wondered why she hates taking it off? ever thought what is it she is hiding? she's hiding her self destruction so that you think she is okay because she knows no one understands.

That girl in your class always smiling, laughing and pretending she is confident and she is happy with her self.
That girl you see always wearing that jacket hiding her cuts and scars.
That girl you don't care or worry about.

All she wants is for someone to say I know your not okay, im here I promise. she wants someone to help her so bad! she thought that she could deal with this on her own but she was wrong.

that girl you see that is me...

if you can also replace she with I, im here for you, to listen to you, ill try my best to help you!