
Sunday 25 August 2013

song: all i do is think of you

All i do is think about you and your smile,
i think of you everyday
you  make me smile, make me laugh..

you really don't know how much i love you,
you have made me become who i am...
your words mean everything to me, just like you..

i want you to know this but it't not that simple,
cause i don't think i'm strong enough yet,
i wish you could see how much you mean to mee...

All i do is think about you and your smile,
i think of you everyday
you make me smile, make me laugh and make my dayy...

you are the only person that i can relate too, 
your everything i want to be, but the person i will never bee...
all i do is think of youu..

your smile, your laugh, your personality..
is everything to mee..

All i doo is think of you <3

Tuesday 6 August 2013

be you

people can be mean they can say the wrong things,
they don't think about what they say,
they just say it...

They think that all the words they say will not hurt and get to people,
but they do, they get to people more then they know,

If only the knew how it can effect people
one day they will realise 
because its been done to them  and they won't like it, 

We always get told to ignore what people say
but... it's harder then it sounds,
you have to make out like you not bother you  and it doesn't effect you but really it does...

But then you start to realise that people only say things to you because there lives ain't perfect,
But you must never stop being who you are..

you are you and no one can take that way form you, don't let anyone get you down...


Sunday 4 August 2013

Because you believed in me

for all the truth you made me see,
you gave ,e strength cause you believed..
in mee,

i lost my confidence you gave it back to me,
you stood by mee,
i stood tall...

i;m everything i am because you
believed in me,
you saw the best the was in mee,

you gave me faith cause you 
believed in everything i am...
i'm everything i am because you believed in meeeee 

because you believed in ME...