
Sunday 21 September 2014

broken again

once again I am down in the dumps,
I feel like I can't get away from it...
I move on...then its back again...
I don't think I can cope with it all over again...

keeping it a secret is so hard... as no one really
understands how you feel and what you are going through...
they look at you all strange an laugh because you are always upset...
but they don't know the full story like you do...

actually knowing there is someone that you can talk to about it all.. an knowing they will always be there for you... never judge you...and always help you through it all when you need them the most...

I feel broken again,
broken again,
sometimes its better to leave me broken but not this time...
cause I'm so broken again,
broken again...
I tell my self I'm fine... when deep down I know I'm broken again....

if I didn't talk to you I don't think I could have gotten through it all I think it would have gotten worse an I would be the same old girl I was in school...who I don't want to be any more but hard to get away from...

I thought new start, new people and new mind set but I was wrong...
new start, new people same mind set as before... if only I could just escape this... things never turn out like I want them to...sometimes they turn out better than expected but most of the time they turn out worse then I originally  though they would...

I feel broken again,
broken again,
sometimes its better to leave me broken but not this time...
cause I'm so broken again,
broken again...
I tell my self I'm fine... when deep down I know I'm broken again....

until I met you I'm hole again, hole again...
I'm fixed again thanks to you...

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