
Wednesday 29 October 2014

when things get tough

when things get tough we hide away,
and don't want to accept what's happening so we block it out,
time goes by and we cant handle it much longer,
so we break...
we go in to dark places,
terrified of what people will say and think,
we think everyone is against us and no one is there to help,
we overthink things we wouldn't normally even re think...
everyone has been through tough times,
even the people we don't expect,
but how we deal with them are going to be totally different
even if Its the same thing, we are all going to deal and cope in different ways...
when things get tough we look for people who said they would be there for you no matter what,
in some cases people say they are going to be there for someone when they know they aint...
what do I do when things get tough?
who I  you talk to?
have I got anyone who you can talk to?
these questions always go through our heads when things get tough,
tough times are so different for everyone,
something that wouldn't be tough for you could be extremely tough for someone else,
no one should judge anyone if something is tough for them but wouldn't be for someone else...

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