
Sunday 2 November 2014

she cries

she cries when no one looks,
she hides behind that door that she keeps shut,
no one knows about her tears,
no one bothers to ask if she's ok...
she cries her self to sleep every night,
her parents don't hear cause they are unaware,
she's ready to give up,
but doesn't want to leave her family in pain...
she keeps that door shut so no one can hear her cry's at night,
no one can tell she cries alone behind her bedroom door every night,
she keeps it hidden from everyone at school,
everyone thinks she's the happiest person they know...
but they don't know that she cries at night,
only if they knew,
would they help her?
would they care?
or would they just walk away?...
she cries when no one looks,
she hides behind that door she keeps shut,
no one knows about her tears,
no one bothers to ask if she's ok....
she has no one,
she cant talk to her parents cause she's scared,
she has two people in her life that understand
but doesn't want to bother them all the time,
it makes her sad when she see's other children
 having heart to heart conversations with their mum...
no one hears her cries,
everyone thinks she's fine,
behind that door she holds a story, a story that people don't know...
'friends' have said they are there for her,
but are gone when she turns to them,
they told her a lie, they know her past and see things that people would question,
but not her 'friends' they just ignore it....
she doesn't know how much longer she can hold out for,
she's tried so many times to stop her self from feeling this way,
always alone and not knowing where to turn...
she doesn't believe she can do it,
when everyone around her as the confidence in her,
they tell her all the time she can do ,
but she doesn't believe a word of it...
she's tired of trying to be someone she's not,
someone everyone would like,
someone who is pretty,
someone that has friends who will stick by her and be there for her...
she's just done...

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