
Monday 27 July 2015

Shes not as strong as you think

There's this girl I know, she feels unknown, unwanted.
She just want's feel wanted, cries on her own,
she has nobody to go to she feels so scared,
doesn't wanna go to college, cried in bed. she has a couple friends
they think she's okay, but the pain inside her haunters her day by day.
she's thought about giving up, doesn't see the point, she just wants happiness but
emotions disappoint. she always blame's her self for every thing that
 happened and every little trouble that she's ever had. its driving her mad.
The pain she endures you can see it through her shirt,
hiding the scars of society's burns.
She hides herself from everyone, no one hears her cries,
If only you could see the world through her eyes, all she wanted was for someone
to be her friend. To stick by her side untill the very end.
She didn't ask for a lot, honestly nothing at all.
yet she was still hit around and called a fool. she just wanted some love  and when she as lonely just one hug. To feel accepted for the way she looked, instead of
being pushed around, left out ad being rejected.
She's got to stay strong because she hopes nothing lasts forever.
But she can't take it anymore, she's take enough, been strong for so long but she
ain't really that tough. She was scared of letting go but no one seems care.
scared to carry on because no one was there. A frustrated girl hiding her scars,
fighting her fears behind spiritual bars she arranged.
One day I saw her face, she showed it with a smile but I could tell it was fake.
She broke down in tears and said I saved her life, 
Crying she asked can she be my wife. I answered what's wrong, she told me everything I was shoned.  
Then she was gone before I had a change to save her, she disappeared. she was no fool and no one blamed her for anything in fact they balmed them selves. people noticed her cries,
they just didn't want to believe that she was so hurt.
I never got to tell her I loved her...


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