
Friday 13 September 2013

My Slimming World Journey So Far

my slimming world journey so far has been one of the best things i have ever done in my life, i have met some amazing people who has always been there for me no matter what...

I have had ups and downs, put weight on loss weight but you can not have a weight loss journey without the gains, but it always makes you stronger to do better next week...

no one has ever judged me, i couldn't wish for a better consultant, she's been there when i needed help, when i thought i couldn't do it when i could 1 she would always encourage me to do well and not always come in with a weight loss...

there is also another person that has been there for me when ever i have needed advise, shes helped me threw soo much this last year and half...

but honestly i would not change a thing, Its always the down weeks that will boost your confidence for the week a head... when i first put weight on it was horrible and i felt disappointed  but when then it became much easier to deal with...

NEVER GIVE UP !!! its the best thing you could ever doo ! 

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