
Monday 16 February 2015

never stop fighting your battle

I don't know your battle or story or you,
but what I do know is that you, yes you are stronger than you think,
you know you can push through this you just don't fully believe it so you feel like giving up.

your future is awaiting you. you may think that you don't have a future but you do everyone does. you can make your future anything you want it to be!
im going to speak from my heart and own experiences now,
I thought that I don't have a future and that I should give up trying to make one because I believed that I will not succeed and so therefore I would have a rubbish future not even one that would be worth living.
things were pretty bad, but I pushed through it even when I thought I couldn't.

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for people in college supporting me through that day and helping me, there was one teacher who was always there for me no matter what and i cant thank her enough for helping since day one!

there are people there for you, i know you don't believe it but there are.
this may be your battle but people make it their battle to, so that they can help and support you.
your perfect in your own way and the people that matter will love you for you.

don't stop fighting your battle..

Sunday 15 February 2015

adrienne and fern - daughters of davis

I'm dedicating this post to Adrienne and Fern...
I want you to know how special and how much you mean to me
These two beautiful girls are just amazing,
they are always there for you if you need a chat and a cheering up!
I'm so thankful to them as their music is amazing!!
nearly all the songs have a meaning behind them which I really like
you girls are true inspirations
I look up to you both and wish I could be like you
your voices are incredible
you're one of the best things that I gained from seeing Sam Bailey on tour!
you make me look at things differently
I think I would be lost if I didn't know about them!
they believe that everyone is beautiful, no matter what their race, gender or size etc.
they have been through tough times them selves and have come out on top every time and I have so much respect for them, especially Adrienne telling her fans something  personal and creating a song around it! not many artists would so that!
Adrienne and Fern both have amazing voices and they have fabulous personality's!
if it wasn't for these two girls my best friend would have given up by now,
everyone could relate to at least one of there songs and some people could relate to them all.
they are just so touching and when you know the meaning behind them it makes them more special and pulls at your heart strings even more.
when I need a good cry or if I'm feeling down I listen to these and they always cheer me up after I've sobbed!
I don't fully know the meaning or story behind the song 'the trade' but the lyrics make me think of when I would wish I didn't have my life I had someone else's.
the amount of determination that these girls have is great! they can do anything, and I love them even more each day!
go and listen to them you wont regret it, go see what you've been missing out on all there song are on YouTube too!

love you girls from your twitter friend tia_bailanator xx

Saturday 14 February 2015 daughters of davis

This particular song does keep me going, the meaning behind this song is very touching! its saying if you are having a hard time or suffering with any illness, that there are people that are there for you! your not alone, so carry on fighting your battle. the battle will end soon, keep going! everything will be okay in the end and if its not okay then its not the end! here if you need a chat! x


you missed breakfast again, is the sickness setting in?
you searched the kitchen to take anything to medicate
you didn't start your car, another push forward too far
you just sat in your drive, till the sky lost all light
it's the same everyday, its this deepening dark grey
till it's black to your soul, but there's someone who's knows saying...

that you're never alone, see my footprints in the sand
if you fall ill take your hand and ill carry you if you cant stand
see you're never alone even when you're on your own
in the bitter cold, even the blind, bolt the door shut behind
every bad turn in life, turned you further inside...

oh when you pray in dark, saying oh, lord where do I start?
you may feel no one cars, but do you know that he's there saying,
oh when you're doubtful, reach out your hand
sometimes your feelings do lie, but just trust that voice inside saying
no you're never alone...

The daughters of davis

I haven't wrote on here for while as I've been busy with college work!
but I had to share this amazing song and get these girls recognized by people!
This is one of the many songs that touch me every time I listen to it, this song is just perfect, have you dreamt of trading your life? please go listen to these girls and support them with the rest of their fans! all there songs are on YouTube head over there now and see what you've been missing out on! thank you x

The Trade:

I saw her dress, just dressed to impress
I saw  lipstick, lips perfect to kiss
for some reason it played me for a while
I couldn't stop thinking of her smile
do you ever dream of trading your life?
cause if you want to you can have mine.
don't be deceived by what you see on the outside
to every story there is always another side....

she said if you want you can buy my soul
but lets shake on it before I say anymore
for some reason I quickly gave in
I made the deal no hesitating
do you ever dream of trading your life?
cause if you want to you can have mine.
don't be deceived by what you see on the outside
to every story there is always another side another side
but only when I has signed on the line
she really told me of her life
she said "my daddy died when I was 5, I've had an eating disorder all my life
I cant keep love, make ups my disguise....

and not one person stayed by my side
do you ever dream of trading your life?
cause just maybe I will keep mine
don't be deceived by what you see on the outside
to every story there is always another side
do you ever dream of trading your life? 
cause just maybe I will keep mine

don't be deceived by what you see on the outside
to every story there is always another side (x2)