
Saturday 14 February 2015 daughters of davis

This particular song does keep me going, the meaning behind this song is very touching! its saying if you are having a hard time or suffering with any illness, that there are people that are there for you! your not alone, so carry on fighting your battle. the battle will end soon, keep going! everything will be okay in the end and if its not okay then its not the end! here if you need a chat! x


you missed breakfast again, is the sickness setting in?
you searched the kitchen to take anything to medicate
you didn't start your car, another push forward too far
you just sat in your drive, till the sky lost all light
it's the same everyday, its this deepening dark grey
till it's black to your soul, but there's someone who's knows saying...

that you're never alone, see my footprints in the sand
if you fall ill take your hand and ill carry you if you cant stand
see you're never alone even when you're on your own
in the bitter cold, even the blind, bolt the door shut behind
every bad turn in life, turned you further inside...

oh when you pray in dark, saying oh, lord where do I start?
you may feel no one cars, but do you know that he's there saying,
oh when you're doubtful, reach out your hand
sometimes your feelings do lie, but just trust that voice inside saying
no you're never alone...

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