
Monday 16 February 2015

never stop fighting your battle

I don't know your battle or story or you,
but what I do know is that you, yes you are stronger than you think,
you know you can push through this you just don't fully believe it so you feel like giving up.

your future is awaiting you. you may think that you don't have a future but you do everyone does. you can make your future anything you want it to be!
im going to speak from my heart and own experiences now,
I thought that I don't have a future and that I should give up trying to make one because I believed that I will not succeed and so therefore I would have a rubbish future not even one that would be worth living.
things were pretty bad, but I pushed through it even when I thought I couldn't.

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for people in college supporting me through that day and helping me, there was one teacher who was always there for me no matter what and i cant thank her enough for helping since day one!

there are people there for you, i know you don't believe it but there are.
this may be your battle but people make it their battle to, so that they can help and support you.
your perfect in your own way and the people that matter will love you for you.

don't stop fighting your battle..

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