
Sunday 1 March 2015

self harm awareness day 2015

its the 1st march 2015 (in the uk) and it is self harming awareness day.
we want to get a cross that there are many people out there that self harm
both men and women.

its show that self harmers start in early adolescents between the ages of 11 and 15 years! personally I think this statistic is quite worrying. knowing that children as young as 11 are starting to hurt them selves. we need to make children/ young people more aware of how to talk to someone they trust or an adult about how they are feeling, so that they don't fall into the routine of self harming.we wont stop everyone but we should at least try to.

This is something that people get scared or embarrassed to talk about either in general or with their children because some parents may think well If I talk about it to them then they will have that idea in their head and they will try it, but if parents spoke about it in away that they child knows its not a good idea to hurt themselves and they must tell an adult how they are feeling. then they will have control over how they deal with their feelings. (i'm not for a minute saying that if parents did talk about it that their child will never try it do it but its the possibility that they could prevent their child from doing it)
but it happens and we need to help the people who have fallen captive of this. sometimes its harder for people how do self harm to discuss it and that's normal. so for people who haven't self harmed stop being embarrassed about it, it is nothing to be embarrassed about, there are hundreds of young people and even adults  who need our help to over come this and make children and adults more aware of this!

also we want to let the self harmers know that there are people out there that can help and support them and that they are never alone with this battle. if your reading this and self harm, there are people online who can help you  if you don't like or you struggle to talk to people face to face. here are a few childline 1-1 counsellor link to talk to someone at childline: and this second link is for any advice about self harm... there is also young minds:
 get connect:
and mind:

I hope those link help you! you can fight this battle you can believe it and you will achieve it..keep fighting... if any of you have twitter and want to contact me through that if you need to talk my name is @tia_bailanator don't be scared to DM me just do it, I will try my best to help you, support you and give you the best advice I can!

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