
Monday 3 November 2014

my best friend

my best friend has been there for me since what feels like for ever
she's never walked away from me
never ignored me
always checks i'm ok
she is the only friend i can all my best friend
I really don't know what i would do without her
she's been my rock and when ever I have needed someone to talk to she has been there even when she has busy and been going through thing of her own
her phone calls always cheer me up
always makes me smile
she never judges people
I told her something today
and i thought i was going to loose a great friend
but I never she stuck by me and is sticking by
always giving me advise
she's not once not turned away from me and said I'm not helping you anymore
knowing she is always going to be there for me
means more than anyone will know
with out her by my side I don't think i would be where i am now
she's like my little sister
i'm always going to be here like she is for me
and if anyone upsets her i will be on it
she's the most kindest, loveliest, honest friend anyone could ask for
I never thought I would gain a friend like this but I have
she calls me when she knows i'm upset
inbox's me to see how i am
she is just amazing and such an inspiration to me
i'm so lucky to have her
Ill say it again i don't know what i would do without her
she's just the most perfect bet friend I have ever had and always will have
this is the truth I really wouldn't be where I am right now if it wasn't for her always being there for me

I would just like to say massive thank you to her for everything that she ahs done for me I really do appreciate it...thank you soo much
love you

Sunday 2 November 2014

she cries

she cries when no one looks,
she hides behind that door that she keeps shut,
no one knows about her tears,
no one bothers to ask if she's ok...
she cries her self to sleep every night,
her parents don't hear cause they are unaware,
she's ready to give up,
but doesn't want to leave her family in pain...
she keeps that door shut so no one can hear her cry's at night,
no one can tell she cries alone behind her bedroom door every night,
she keeps it hidden from everyone at school,
everyone thinks she's the happiest person they know...
but they don't know that she cries at night,
only if they knew,
would they help her?
would they care?
or would they just walk away?...
she cries when no one looks,
she hides behind that door she keeps shut,
no one knows about her tears,
no one bothers to ask if she's ok....
she has no one,
she cant talk to her parents cause she's scared,
she has two people in her life that understand
but doesn't want to bother them all the time,
it makes her sad when she see's other children
 having heart to heart conversations with their mum...
no one hears her cries,
everyone thinks she's fine,
behind that door she holds a story, a story that people don't know...
'friends' have said they are there for her,
but are gone when she turns to them,
they told her a lie, they know her past and see things that people would question,
but not her 'friends' they just ignore it....
she doesn't know how much longer she can hold out for,
she's tried so many times to stop her self from feeling this way,
always alone and not knowing where to turn...
she doesn't believe she can do it,
when everyone around her as the confidence in her,
they tell her all the time she can do ,
but she doesn't believe a word of it...
she's tired of trying to be someone she's not,
someone everyone would like,
someone who is pretty,
someone that has friends who will stick by her and be there for her...
she's just done...

Wednesday 29 October 2014

when things get tough

when things get tough we hide away,
and don't want to accept what's happening so we block it out,
time goes by and we cant handle it much longer,
so we break...
we go in to dark places,
terrified of what people will say and think,
we think everyone is against us and no one is there to help,
we overthink things we wouldn't normally even re think...
everyone has been through tough times,
even the people we don't expect,
but how we deal with them are going to be totally different
even if Its the same thing, we are all going to deal and cope in different ways...
when things get tough we look for people who said they would be there for you no matter what,
in some cases people say they are going to be there for someone when they know they aint...
what do I do when things get tough?
who I  you talk to?
have I got anyone who you can talk to?
these questions always go through our heads when things get tough,
tough times are so different for everyone,
something that wouldn't be tough for you could be extremely tough for someone else,
no one should judge anyone if something is tough for them but wouldn't be for someone else...

Sunday 21 September 2014

broken again

once again I am down in the dumps,
I feel like I can't get away from it...
I move on...then its back again...
I don't think I can cope with it all over again...

keeping it a secret is so hard... as no one really
understands how you feel and what you are going through...
they look at you all strange an laugh because you are always upset...
but they don't know the full story like you do...

actually knowing there is someone that you can talk to about it all.. an knowing they will always be there for you... never judge you...and always help you through it all when you need them the most...

I feel broken again,
broken again,
sometimes its better to leave me broken but not this time...
cause I'm so broken again,
broken again...
I tell my self I'm fine... when deep down I know I'm broken again....

if I didn't talk to you I don't think I could have gotten through it all I think it would have gotten worse an I would be the same old girl I was in school...who I don't want to be any more but hard to get away from...

I thought new start, new people and new mind set but I was wrong...
new start, new people same mind set as before... if only I could just escape this... things never turn out like I want them to...sometimes they turn out better than expected but most of the time they turn out worse then I originally  though they would...

I feel broken again,
broken again,
sometimes its better to leave me broken but not this time...
cause I'm so broken again,
broken again...
I tell my self I'm fine... when deep down I know I'm broken again....

until I met you I'm hole again, hole again...
I'm fixed again thanks to you...

Sunday 7 September 2014

Things changed

Things have changed...and in just a couple of months...
But somethings don't change...
You fall for someone you move on to somewhere new...
You fall for someone again but you know that soon you will have to move on and find someone new....

Things are getting harder...people are not listening .... no one is ever there when you need them because you and them have moved on to different places and are yet to meet again!!....

Things change....but your feelings follow you around....
They are always going to be there where ever you move....
Its getting harder everytime things change....

New people...same feelings but for someone new...things change...

Wednesday 18 June 2014

I love you

I love you,
As soon as we got close i loved you,
Your eyes light up mine,
Your smile makes me smile...

I love you,
When your sad im sad,
I try to cheer you up and put a smile on your face,
Knowing your ok and happy is all i need to know...

I love you,
You may have judged me when we first me but i don't mind,
I wish you feel the same way,
Your perfect the way you are don't let anyone tell you different, don't change for anyone...

Always be your self don't let anyone tell you different, you may think i'm weird but i don't mind...

I love you.... ♥

Friday 13 June 2014

Michelle branch goodbye to you

Of all things i've believed in
I just want to get it over with
Tears from behind my eyes
But i do not cry

I've been searching deep down in my soul
Words that i'm hearing are starting to get old
It feela like i'm starting over again
The last three years were just pretens
And i said

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to everything i thought i knew
You were the one i loved
The one thing that itried to hold on to
The one thinf that i tried to hold on to

I still get lost in your eyes
And it seems that i can't live a day without you
Closing my eyes and you chase my thoughts awat
To a place where i am blinded by the light
But it's not right

And it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time
I want yours and i want what 's mine
I want you
But i'm not giving in this time

And when the stars fall
I will lie awake
You're my shooting star x2 ♥

Thursday 2 January 2014

This year is yours

God built and launched this year for you;
Upon the bridge you stand;
It's your ship, aye, your own ship,
And you are in command.

Just what the twelve months' trip will do
Rests wholly, solely, friend, with you.

Your logbook kept from day to day
My friend, what will it show?
Have you on your appointed way
Made progress, yes or no?

The log will tell, like guiding star,
The sort of captain that you are.

For weal or woe this year is yours;
Your ship is on life's sea
Your acts, as captain, must decide
Whichever it shall be;

So now in starting on your trip,
Ask God to help you sail your ship.